Category Archives: Gardening
Homestead Update: July 1 2014
Late again – but July has been busy already with Fiber Friends, a growing garden, and lots of hot buns in the barn to take care of. So, without further delay, let me take a quick pause to reflect on … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Ducks, Farming, Gardening, The Homestead
Homestead Update: June 1st
The daisies are in bloom – it must be June! May was a great month and June is slated out to be even better. We have some AWESOME projects to show off that will be ‘finished’ this month but got … Continue reading
Filed under About, Dogs/ Corgis, Farming, Gardening, Pasture Management, Rabbits, The Homestead
The Garden is Fenced!
Poles in, corners braced, fence stretcher built, farm truck utilized , tax refund spent! We are sore little homesteaders, but we’re fueled by Rommel power and successfully set and met our goal of finishing the fence by the end of … Continue reading
Filed under Gardening, The Homestead
Our Project Manager
Pocket is a great assistant, but she’s also an excellent project manager. She doesn’t feel the need to micromanage, but can sit just out of the way to let her minions do all the work while providing the occasional woof … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Gardening, Pocket Pause, The Homestead