Category Archives: Box Turtle
Wordless Wednesday: Nap
Sometimes you just need a little break from the world. Glad you’re getting your beauty rest, Holly.
Filed under Box Turtle
Pocket and Holly. Holly and Pocket. An unlikely set of housemates. Do you have any “strange bedfellows” amongst your menagerie?
Filed under Box Turtle, Dogs/ Corgis, Pocket Pause
Pause on Pocket, and Holly
Remember to eat your vegetables, and your organ meat! That goes for Pocket, Holly, and us humans too. Offal is an important part of everyone’s diet, and it’s easy to sneak some into any dish using ground or chopped meat … Continue reading
Filed under Box Turtle, Critters, Dog Nutrition, Dogs/ Corgis, Eating
Spring has Sprung! Sayeth our “Groundhog”
I tend to keep strange “pets.” If you’re a seasoned Austin Homestead reader, you remember that Pocket isn’t our only house pet. For the newbies, let this post serve as her introduction. Meet Holly, the Christmas Turtle. Holly may well … Continue reading
Filed under Box Turtle, Critters