Category Archives: Nude Soap
Fiber Friday: The Around the Block Fiber Arts Stroll
Yay, Sisters, Oregon! You are high, dry, close to my own sister’s house in Bend (with many locations to drink delicious beer) and the host to the largest outdoor quilt show in THE WORLD. You know how to put on … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers, Local Spotlight, Nude Soap
Shop Miranda Made this Holiday!
Shameless self-promotion time! It’s just a few weeks before Christmas and Solstice, Hanukkah is already in full swing, and the dark winter days are perfect for online shopping If you’ve been thinking of ordering a Fiber Friend for your special … Continue reading
Filed under Fiber Friends, Me, Nude Soap, Shopping
Holidays in a Small Town
I am so blessed to live in a small town. I realize the speed of the small town may not be for everyone – it’s slow. It’s friendly. It’s full of folks who wave and call you by name. It … Continue reading
Filed under Events, Fiber Friends, Handmade Holidays, Local Spotlight, Me, Nude Soap