Category Archives: Preserved Food
Ways to Store Your Garlic Harvest
Garlic is a wonderful crop for those of us looking to stock up on our homegrown produce and to spice up our menu without relying on expensive (and none-too-fresh) packaged spices. With the proper care, garlic can be stored for … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Kitchen Tools, Preserved Food
How To Braid Garlic (Illustrated Step by Step)
You carefully planted your garlic last fall. You cared for it all spring: watching its water, fertilizing a few times, weeding the patch well. Sometime around July you harvested a bundle of gorgeous bulbs and dutifully hung or laid them … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Gardening, Handmade Holidays, Preserved Food
Fermenting in a Stone Crock
If you’ve been reading my blog(s) for a while you most likely know that A. i really like fermented pickles and B. i get pretty creative with the receptacles i use for said fermentation. Mason jars, yogurt lids, rubber bands….. … Continue reading
Filed under Cooking, Fermented, Kitchen Tools, Preserved Food, probiotic
It’s Time to Can! Can it Forward Day is Here!
Are your jars santized? Relish cooked down? Jams good and sticky? It’s time to get canning! Check out the live feed below and hang out with fellow canners all day!
Filed under Preserved Food