Category Archives: DIY
Making Sausage!
Here at Birdsong Farm we raise pastured poultry and domestic rabbits. Our ducks are born on grass, live their lives eating grass, fermented grains and garden waste and entertain us with their beauty and silly tactics. Our chickens have never … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Breakfast, Chickens, Dinner, DIY, Ducks, Eat Real Food, Kitchen Tools, Livestock, Preserved Food, Rabbits, Tutorial
Farm Gates
When one constructs a fence, one must provide access through said fence. A good garden/farm gate is sturdy, large enough for people or vehicles to pass through, opens/closes easily and most importantly: keeps critters out or in. Gates can of … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, DIY, Dogs/ Corgis, Farming, Home, The Homestead
Building a Rabbit Tractor from Scrap Materials
We built our chicken tractor/coop from scrap metal found in the barn and old 1x3s taken off our old roof during repairs, so you’d expect me to do more scrounging when it came to my next small project: a rabbit … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, DIY, Farming, Pasture Management, Rabbits
Pacific Northwest Mushrooming – By Dummies
haha – yes, that’s right “by” dummies, not “for” dummies, as we really don’ t know what the heck we’re doing. My husband and i LOVE foraging for mushrooms. We have two species we know how to ID (and know … Continue reading
Filed under Foraging