Category Archives: probiotic
Fermenting in a Stone Crock
If you’ve been reading my blog(s) for a while you most likely know that A. i really like fermented pickles and B. i get pretty creative with the receptacles i use for said fermentation. Mason jars, yogurt lids, rubber bands….. … Continue reading
Filed under Cooking, Fermented, Kitchen Tools, Preserved Food, probiotic
Make Your Own Ranch Dressing! (It’s probiotic, too!)
I am a salad guru. I often eat big salads for dinner, especially in Summer. I know i’m a guru, because my husband tells me so and guests always comment with yummy noises if i serve a salad at dinner. … Continue reading
Pickle Update
Moving right along, i think today’s the day to move my pickle crock into the fridge to slow down the fermentation process. Fizzy, tangy, not TOO salty, and probiotically delicious! I THINK i’ve let this crock ferment for about 2 … Continue reading
Filed under Cooking, Fermented, Preserved Food, probiotic, Wholesome Foods
My Pickling “Crock”
One day i will have a “real” crock with straight sides and a perfectly fitting plate to use as a weight. One day i’ll have a robust garden that will give me so much veg to pickle i’ll just use … Continue reading