Category Archives: Wholesome Foods
Scrapple: A Nose to Tail Breakfast Recipe
I recently butchered a hog for the first time. This was a pretty big deal for me and I wanted to be sure I used as much of the animal who’s life I had harvested as I could. The skin … Continue reading
Filed under Breakfast, Cooking, Eating, Wholesome Foods
Pickle Update
Moving right along, i think today’s the day to move my pickle crock into the fridge to slow down the fermentation process. Fizzy, tangy, not TOO salty, and probiotically delicious! I THINK i’ve let this crock ferment for about 2 … Continue reading
Filed under Cooking, Fermented, Preserved Food, probiotic, Wholesome Foods
The Benefits of Basil
Although i no longer reside in sunny Austin, i HAVE caught a few glimpses of basil gracing the market shelves lately. I love basil, and am excited to whip up some more batches of pesto this Summer. This post illuminates … Continue reading
Filed under Eat Real Food, Gardening, Wholesome Foods