Fiber Fridays are my days to feature a favorite knitting pattern or tip, highlight some of my past Fiber Friends customers, or feature one of my new products and/or provide some good info for potential customers wanting to know more about my process. Today, i’m featuring a very special mobile that touched my heart while i felted it and is about to have a very special place in the home of one of my clients.
I sent Dana some photos of her new mobile, and without even seeing it in real life, she sent me this wonderful note:
You are simply amazing! I really don’t know how you did it, and all before October 1st! Holy Smokes! You got Timmy (the cat) down to a tee, you can just see his confidence and his easy going attitude while living with 2 nutty corgis! The angel wings are perfect and Just Dandy’s eyes are just like I remember, staring into the deep clear blue ocean……
I hope you realize how very special this mobile is going to become for our family. It’s hard to put in words how it’ll wrap us all into a very big hug. I know the pictures are hard to give such a detailed piece it’s justice, seeing it for real will be so amazing.
Thank you for all your love, kindness, and for sharing your amazing talent with all of us! We are so blessed you can capture our best friend’s essence in such a unique and beautiful way.
Wowzer, that is some compliment! I often think about my business as being frivolous – creating unecessary ‘luxury’ items. Don’t get me wrong, i LOVE what i do – but i’m a very pragmatic, frugal, homesteader type who has trouble letting go of my money unless its on things like solar panels or water catchment tanks. Testimonials like Dana’s remind me that
Fiber Friends aren’t just ‘knick knacks,’ they are often very special little reminders of family members lost, left behind, or just loved so much we need to have them by our side all the time. I know i love my dog like a child, and so do so many others. Our pets are often like our first children – and what better way to entertain your real child than with tiny versions of those fur-babies spinning high above his/her head?

I thought it would be fun to show a little ‘behind the scenes’ on how my mobiles come to life! It all starts with dialogue with my customer, a few sketches from me and a whole bunch of photos from them. I felt each critter, one at a time, then add the decorative elements and string them all up as balanced as possible. It’s quite the process, but so rewarding to watch it spin once it’s all finished!
Interested in ordering a mobile for your baby (or yourself – they look great in offices and living rooms, too!)?
Check out this post for some ordering/pricing information and plan to have a bare minimum 3 weeks turnaround for your mobile. I’m still working with about a month’s waiting list and most mobiles take between 1 to 4 weeks to complete depending on how grandiose we get.