Category Archives: Fiber Fridays
Custom Nubbins: Maslow and Valerie
It’s Fiber Friday once again and i’m pleased to feature two adorable corgis and their custom Nubbins, Valerie and Maslow. Thanks to their mama for sending me these great photos, which i plan to include in my 2017 Fiber Friends … Continue reading
Filed under ., Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fibers
July Fundraiser for the Corgi Connection of Kansas
Since the inception of Fiber Friends, when my love of Corgis fueled the melding of my illustration style and love for fiber arts, i have been passionate about giving back to the community that has been so supportive of my … Continue reading
Filed under Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Use That Old Spice Rack: Display Your Collection
I love spice racks. I cannot NOT buy old spice racks when i find them at the thrift store. And yet: i keep my spices in a cabinet and have no real need for a spice rack….. for spices. In … Continue reading
Filed under Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Christmas has arrived in the Fiber Friends shop!
Christmas is coming and the needles are flying in my workshop, working on custom orders to be delivered in time for gifting and finding time to work on adorably seasonal items like these: Thanks to my Corgi loving “fans” most … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers