Cooper’s mom challenged me with this ‘over the shoulder’ post and i’m so glad she did! Every time a client asks me to do a new pose, new breed, new toy – my craft improves. Cooper is one of my favorite Corgi Friends so far. I hope you’ll love him too!
Before i sent him on his way, little Cooper had quite the adventure! He and Pocket met all the animals, smelled some spring flowers and even helped me to collect eggs!
He really wanted to stay, but i tucked him into his box as soon as he went down for a big nap. 😉
I’ve been having so much fun playing with your custom Fiber Friends before i send them to you – i decided to felt some little Pockets! Stay tuned for lots of fun photos of Pocket with her very own Fiber Friends. I love featuring your photos, as well – so send me your pics of your pet and his/her Fiber Friend: i’ll feature them on this website, the shop and the Facebook page. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Order your own custom Fiber Friend at