Tag Archives: custom pet portrait
Sophie and Corey: A pair of custom ordered Fiber Friends – with fluff!
Sophie and Corey are a pair of seriously fluffy corgi fluffers! I was excited but daunted to work on them for their mama, Harriette: fluffy Fiber Friends take me at least two days and result in my studio, and me, … Continue reading
Filed under About, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Benson the Corgi – SPLOOT!
Those of us with Corgis are quite familiar with the word “sploot.” It’s the favorite position many of our pups choose to lay in, especially on a hot day on cool tiles. Folks unfamiliar with corgis often startle or giggle … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Missy the Corgi in a Frog Costume: The Nubbin Version
What could be cuter than an adorable red and white Corgi wearing a frog costume? Nothing! But this tiny Nubbin version is a close second, for sure! I just love a challenge and Fiber Friends lovers keep throwing them at … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends
Pocket’s Own Fiber Friends
Someone recently asked if Pocket had her own Fiber Friend, and i realized it was high time she did! Meet Pocket’s Fiber Friend and Nubbin versions and get ready to follow many adventures with this silly trio in the year … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends