Tag Archives: pocket
How To Braid Garlic (Illustrated Step by Step)
You carefully planted your garlic last fall. You cared for it all spring: watching its water, fertilizing a few times, weeding the patch well. Sometime around July you harvested a bundle of gorgeous bulbs and dutifully hung or laid them … Continue reading
Filed under Birdsong Farm, Gardening, Handmade Holidays, Preserved Food
July Fundraiser for the Corgi Connection of Kansas
Since the inception of Fiber Friends, when my love of Corgis fueled the melding of my illustration style and love for fiber arts, i have been passionate about giving back to the community that has been so supportive of my … Continue reading
Filed under Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Sophie and Corey: A pair of custom ordered Fiber Friends – with fluff!
Sophie and Corey are a pair of seriously fluffy corgi fluffers! I was excited but daunted to work on them for their mama, Harriette: fluffy Fiber Friends take me at least two days and result in my studio, and me, … Continue reading
Filed under About, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Chompers the Corgi, Nubbin Version
If you’re crazy about corgis like I am and spend any time at all on Instagram or Facebook, you will nearly certainly recognize this adorable mug: That’s Chompers! Chompers hails from San Francisco and is a super cute tri-color male … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers