Tag Archives: kitten
Dogs and Cats, Living Together: Kitten Update!
Little Ebenezer is growing fast! He loves attention, is quick to purr and has become fast friends with our Pocket who thinks he’s a strangely shaped puppy and plays with him accordingly. Eb doesn’t seem to mind getting covered in … Continue reading →
Filed under Cats, Critters, Dogs/ Corgis
Tagged as barn cat, cat, corgi, dogs and cats, kitten
Welcome, Ebenezer Snooze
We welcomed a new hand to the farm this weekend. So far he does do quite a bit of snoozing, but seems to enjoy chasing bits of bailing twine (i really need to make him some better cat toys) so … Continue reading →
Tagged as barn cat, cat and corgi, cat on the farm, dog and cat, ebenezer, kitten