Tag Archives: baked
The Best Asparagus
I must preface this recipe post by admitting that i am relatively new to asparagus. I’d never eaten it growing up, and was a little bit scared of the strange looking vegetable, until i met my husband (7 years ago, … Continue reading
Pita Pizza: My “World Famous” Recipe
Okay, okay: this recipe isn’t WORLD famous, but it is my husband’s all time favorite dinner, which counts for something, right? Pita pizza is a super delicious, healthy alternative to doughy pizza and is totally versatile to what you have … Continue reading
“My” Bread
I’m so excited! My husband bought me the book “My Bread” for my birthday TWO years ago, and i finally made a loaf! What was i waiting for, you may ask? Several things: losing enough weight to warrant baking artisanal … Continue reading