Duckling Update: 3 weeks old

The ducklings are growing like adorable weeds! Their first feathers are starting to peak out of their baby fuzz and they’re several times larger than they were upon hatching. With all the hawks and ravens about, we’re keeping them in their little mobile brooder, but hope to let them out next week. Our other duckhen has begun laying, so we might end up with perfectly timed move out/move in of our lady ducks and their broods.

So far we have only had one casualty – a drowned ‘runt’ and everyone else appears healthy and happy. Let’s hope they stay that way after we let them out – Pocket has been practicing her ‘bark at the bird’ routine, but those ravens are tenacious!

Have you ever brooded ducklings or chicks? Isn’t it amazing how fast they grow!?


Filed under Critters, Ducks, Farming

3 Responses to Duckling Update: 3 weeks old

  1. You raise the ducks for meat? Eggs?

  2. Welcome to the new blog, Chris. :)
    we raise the Muscovies for meat. We’ll be keeping a hen out of this hatch and butcher/sell the rest. We’ll freeze and keep most of the meat and offer some for sale locally. We’ll be adding Magpie ducks this summer for eggs/meat. All our birds are ‘dual purpose’. The chickens are mainly for eggs, but we’ll also hatch out a few batches for meat/replacement layers. The ducks are mainly for meat, now – but we’ll add laying ducks soon. Please let me know if you have any more questions!
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