Category Archives: Livestock
Duck, duck GOOSE!
It is really looking like a farm yard around here these days: we added a pair of geese! This pair will hopefully raise a few clutches of eggs to expand our goose population to 5 or so permanent residents and … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, Geese, Livestock, The Homestead
Rabbit Update – No White Rabbits Here!
When i got into rabbits, i chose to raise colored New Zealands. New Zealand Reds are actually the ‘original’ color of meat rabbits but nowadays are considered to be smaller than the commercially popular New Zealand Whites. Bah, i say! … Continue reading
Homestead Update: June 1st
My my, the time is flying! Seems like i was just writing the May 1st update. It also seems like we haven’t gotten much accomplished this last month. It’s hard to compete with teh flurry of activity that was our … Continue reading
Filed under Chickens, Livestock, Rabbits, The Homestead