Category Archives: Wildlife / Birds
The Birds of Birdsong Farm – In Felt
We thought long and hard about the name we’d give our farm. We tossed around themes with rainbows and pastures but it became quickly apparent that birds would have to be the driving force behind our brand. Come early March … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers, Wildlife / Birds
Filmore the Yard Pheasant
He’s baaaaack, and along with him are a few hens and about a dozen youngsters. His tail sure has grown out since the spring and he struts around like he owns the place. I wonder what the pheasants and other … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, Wildlife / Birds
Birdsong Corner Farm: New Life
We’re still toying with farm names…. and this time of year we’re surrounded by birdsong. So for today at least, we’re going with “Birdsong Corner Farm.” In honor of the name of the day, a little family of Juncos has … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, The Homestead, Wildlife / Birds