Category Archives: Review
Dogs and Cats Love Entirely Pets!
Ebenezer is getting big(ger), athletic and even started pulling his weight around the farm hunting field mice! He’s also picked up a few more names during our recent family visits and can now be referred to as: Ebenezer Nicodemus Abraham … Continue reading
Filed under Cats, Critters, Dogs/ Corgis, Review
Un-paper Towels – Sneak Peak
I received a super lovely package in the mail yesterday….. a set of un-paper towels from Natural Linens. I’ve already tested one out to dust off my ‘in storage for two years’ desk and i’m totally stoked to give them … Continue reading
Filed under Giveaway, Housekeeping, Review
Travel Spotlight: The Clown Motel
Today’s review is a re-post from last July when we were moving from Austin to Oregon. All the recent mental strain over our future housing has made me wish for simpler times…. booking a night at a quaint motel in … Continue reading
Filed under Local Spotlight, Review, Travels