Every once in a while i get really bad news from a previous customer – Fiber Friend emergency!
Every Friend comes wearing a tag that clearly reads “keep kitty claws off” but occasionally a certain bad kitty, doggie, or human toddler gets their hands on my little creations and has their way with them. Felted wool does NOT enjoy being played with by rough claws or teeth (or hangnails for that matter). I was especially sad when i heard of poor Yogi’s dismay at the paws of real Yogi’s dog playmate. Yogi’s Fiber Friend was a wedding gift to two dear friends and my first Scottish Terrier. I demanded he be sent back to me for some triage…. and he’s not quite as epic as he once was, but certainly better than the state i received him in!
Please keep your Fiber Friends safely clear of naughty pets, but if something does happen to them i’m happy to play doctor.