I had such fun working on Valentines this year. My little “stumpy” corgis were such a hit i’ve decided to make them for every holiday as well as keeping little ‘corgi love’ Friends in stock at all times (plus other “i love my ___” critters). “But there aren’t any ‘in stock’ Friends in your Etsy shop, Miranda?” Yes, that’s true – because i’m STOCKING UP for the GRAND OPENING of my brand new website!!!!! More on that coming soon… for now –
Happy Valentine’s Day, Molly and Miles:
Unfortunately, i heard from Miles’ daddy that their new kitten got her hands on little Molly. Gasp! Kitty claws are NOT good on felted wool, let me tell you. Hopefully she isn’t too far gone so i can fix her: I stand behind my little Friends and am always happy to try and fix one that has been damaged or shown signs of wear over time. Poor little Molly!
I couldn’t resist taking some snow Pocket/Fiber Friends photos. 😉 Stay tuned from the grand opening of my website – hopefully next week! Yipee!!!!!