Category Archives: Felting
Sophie and Corey: A pair of custom ordered Fiber Friends – with fluff!
Sophie and Corey are a pair of seriously fluffy corgi fluffers! I was excited but daunted to work on them for their mama, Harriette: fluffy Fiber Friends take me at least two days and result in my studio, and me, … Continue reading
Filed under About, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Jett and Bernard – A Fiber Friendly Family
You may remember Bernard, that adorable fawn faced Pembroke Welsh Corgi i featured on Fiber Friday some weeks ago… Well, i had the good fortune of recently working on his best buddy, Jett the German Shepherd! I just love the … Continue reading
Filed under Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers
Fiber Friends in the News and Local Community
I am so excited to share a bit of news! My time is usually spent holed up in my studio on the 2nd floor of our farm house, or outside shlepping water, cleaning cages or ‘moving wood around.’ (family joke). … Continue reading
Filed under About, Felting, Fiber Friends, Fibers, Local Spotlight, Me
Benson the Corgi – SPLOOT!
Those of us with Corgis are quite familiar with the word “sploot.” It’s the favorite position many of our pups choose to lay in, especially on a hot day on cool tiles. Folks unfamiliar with corgis often startle or giggle … Continue reading
Filed under Critters, Dogs/ Corgis, Felting, Fiber Fridays, Fiber Friends, Fibers