Most of you are familiar with Pocket, my best pal/ fur-daughter Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She’s my main assistant and even signs all your invoices! But lately, i’ve had another buddy joining us in the studio. Meet Dandelion Fluff, a dapper fellow among buns, quarantined in the studio post bunny show and allowing many pats and humiliating costumes during my brief bunny breaks.
I wonder if his little pawlets could handle the felting needles? I could use some help managing holiday orders! (And yes, my studio is covered in wool and scattered papers and plates…. i’m an artist aka slob. Sorry!)
I guess i’ll settle for some break time snuggles instead.
Yes, i do raise rabbits as livestock for meat…. but that doesn’t mean i’m not in love with my breeders. I very happily dole out snuggles to all willing buns in the bunny barn and treat every one with respect and care. This little guy is special and i can see why folks enjoy rabbits as house pets. I’m tempted to keep him inside all the time, but he prefers the 50 something temperatures of the barn with his bun-mates. I’ll take the bunny time when i can get it
Have you ever had a close relationship with an animal raised as livestock?