Homestead Update: In Progress!

As per usual, our projects are taking more weekends and evenings to get finished than planned, but i HOPE to report a finished chicken coop TONIGHT! Here are some ‘in progress’ shots of our first work day. Head on over to Facebook throughout the day for real-time updates on this weekend’s progress.

Along with our new mobile coop, we’ve been using some scrap lumber from our roof repair to put together some very “Scottish countryside-esque” gates for our yard. I can’t wait to show photos of them! I must say, that although the cost savings of using ‘on-hand’ materials is great, the frustration of working with 35 year old splinter boards is also high. I would not recommend building anything structural with 1x3s – but we have only spent about $30 on materials (screws and bolts, etc) so i can’t complain – as long as it last a few seasons!

AND the most exciting news, that may come along with an explicit video later in the week: my rabbits are mature and i’ve begun breeding my first litters! Bring on the baby bunnies (just in time for grilling season!)

How are your home and garden projects progressing?

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