Stuffed Rabbit Roast without The Bacon (Or the Butcher’s Twine)

My Wisconsin German family may have popularized the term “The only thing better than bacon, is more bacon” but sometimes you just don’t need it to make an epic meal. I posted my ‘bacon wrapped, stuffed rabbit roast’ recipe after Christmas 2014 when we enjoyed our first stuffed rabbit roast for the holiday meal. We had PLANNED on dining on roast goose this past holiday, but Mr. Coyote (or was it Mrs. Bobcat) had other plans for us while we were away for Thanksgiving….. so it was rabbit on our holiday table again. Oh, woe is me, we had to suffer with another deliciously stuffed rabbit roast 😉

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I won’t reiterate all the details of de-boning the rabbit as all that info and helpful links can be found in my earlier post, but i will break down the major ingredients and offer some tips on the stuffing and wrapping, temps and times. The major key to this dish is to choose a slightly older rabbit. You don’t want a young fryer as it won’t have enough meat, but you don’t want a rabbit much older than 4 months either or it may be tough. I chose a 16 week old doe who weighed about 5+ pounds dressed. Let’s get cooking!


  • 1 larger rabbit, deboned
  • Sausage or cured meat, either ground or diced
  • Several cloves garlic, minced
  • Handful kale, spinach or arugula
  • 1/4 cup or so sheep or goat’s cheese
  • 1/4 cup mushrooms
  • Salt, pepper, favorite herbs
  • 1/4 cup breadcrumbs

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To be honest, i’m totally guessing at those quantities. It is February, after all and i cooked this in December- cut me some slack. The gist is that you want to saute your sausage or cured meat with the herbs and greens until the greens are just wilted. Mix that with the breadcrumbs to make a crumbly texture. Lay the rabbit out flat and coat with the breadcrumb mixture, top with some cheese and roll! Don’t overfill or rolling will be difficult and don’t choose any cured meats with super strong flavors as they’ll take over the meal. (More photos on the stuffing process in my older recipe post)

I tried something else different with this roast: i didn’t tie it! Many of us may lack butcher’s twine or the skill to tie with it so this technique is a cinch. Place some chopped onion in a casserole just bigger than your roast and wedge that rolled up rabbit into the pan on the onions. I swear: it won’t open and once it’s cooked it will stay together in an easily sliced log. I drizzled the top of the rabbit with some olive oil and salted to keep it from drying out. Halfway through cooking i added some fresh green beans and garlic cloves above the onions and cooked until they were soft. Delish!!

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Roast at 350 degrees for about an hour adding the greenbeans about halfway through. Internal temp should reach 160.

What’s your favorite meat to use in a stuffed roast recipe?


Filed under Birdsong Farm, Cooking, Dinner, Eating, Rabbit

4 Responses to Stuffed Rabbit Roast without The Bacon (Or the Butcher’s Twine)

  1. Rosalyn

    I enjoy your rabbit meat posts. My family just moved to a new home, and although we were hoping to find a rural homestead property, the right one just didn’t materialize and we bought a property that we LOVE in a small town, where local bylaws prohibit chickens and goats. :( So I’ve been wondering about meat rabbits. My husband is dead set against it, I think he just can’t picture raising bunnies for meat and he’s never eaten rabbit but I’d like to know more!

    • Jaimie

      I would suggest you find a recipe you really want to try and then find somebody that is selling meat rabbits. If they are selling them as breeders chances are they eat it themselves. Contact them and see if they’ll sell you a rabbit and do the dispatch for you. After you serve him a wonderful rabbit dinner he might just change his mind.

    • Hi Rosalyn ! Sorry i only just got these comments. I’d be happy to talk with you more about raising meat rabbits. I have high hopes of writing a series of posts on rabbit housing, rabbit dispatch, rabbit care in general but have only had the time between work and farming to write recipes for my customers to enjoy. Please shoot me a message any time with questions you may have. The great thing about rabbits is that you can do it all yourself, so even if husband is against it – you can do it on your own! My hubs really only helps with some heavy lifting. I do the rest :) (And it’s his favorite meat other than goat/elk!)

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