Storage Meets Style: Pegboard Pot Rack

I am so excited. I have just successfully completed my first Pinterest inspired home improvement! I pinned a lovely photo of someone’s pegboard pot rack months ago – isn’t it so awesome?


Totally awesome. Since my house came with a supremely righteous pantry, i decided to hang my pegboard on the inner wall. Not quite as ‘front and center’ room accent piece as this person’s pegboard, but still pretty awesome. I plan on painting it with the accent color of my kitchen when i paint it and am sure i’ll admire it just as well inside the pantry as i would right in front of my face all day long. I will have to walk a few steps to pluck down my pots and pans, but i think i can handle it. Forced calorie burn, right?

I dig it. All the pots and pans are at a good height for me to reach without the use of tippy toes or deep knee bends. No more view blockage from pots hanging from above the stove and no more fumbling with the stupid drawer-that-does-not-work under the oven. Love! It will be so gorgeous once i get it all painted up! PS, check out the curled up biscuit-dog in the background of this shot:

Where do you like to store your pots and pans?

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Filed under DIY, Home, The Homestead

One Response to Storage Meets Style: Pegboard Pot Rack

  1. LOVE pegboard cookware storage. I have big cabinet space, so mine are in there, but honestly, I prefer the simplicity of this – grab what you need without bending over. And they are beautiful (revealing foodie weirdo self). The lime green in the first is stunning. Thanks so much for sharing!
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