Sham-Pooch: All Natural Bar Shampoo for Pooches!

I’m super happy to announce that my popular bar shampoo for dogs, Sham-Pooch is now available on Etsy.

You may or may not be aware that i make natural soap under the business name Nude Soap. My hubs and i both have sensitive skin, so i learned how to make cold process soap using all natural ingredients and herbs so that we too could enjoy bathtime. I LOVE my soap, and so do many others, including some long time repeat customers. I’ve been battling with time management of late and made the difficult decision to scale back on that company in order to focus more full time on Fiber Friends. My website is still up, but i haven’t been carefully managing that online inventory with the real thing and many items are sold out. Although i’m not updating that website, i will continue to make soap and have a limited inventory in stock at all times – so please never hesitate to contact me with your request! I’m even happy to make a special batch just for you. :)

One item that spans both companies’ target audience is my super awesome Sham-Pooch. Pocket has always been a bit itchy and is, of course quite short, and thus easily soiled. Why should she be bathed in chemicals from a bottle while we enjoy all natural suds? Sham-pooch smells great, is easy to use, gets Pocket’s nasty dirt-chest white as rice and is so much less wasteful than shampoos (full of nasty chemicals) that come in bottles. Pocket is not the biggest fan of baths (and is seen in the photo below unbathed and dirty, fyi), but by using a shampoo bar instead of squirt on soap juice, i get to rub her all over while she suffers the onslaught of water. Mommy massages are relaxing and by rubbing the actual bar of soap around you get great lather and even coverage where you want it.

So, for now on i will try to keep Sham-Pooch in stock on Etsy and am happy to add a bar or 3 to any order. I also make another blend specifically for itchy skin that includes oatmeal and neem and will try to make a batch of that in time for the holidays. Soap makes for great stocking stuffers! Get yours now while it lasts!

Does your dog love or hate bath time?


Filed under Bath & Body, Dogs/ Corgis, Fiber Friends, Nude Soap

2 Responses to Sham-Pooch: All Natural Bar Shampoo for Pooches!

  1. Wow. I’m impressed about your consideration for your dog lol.
    I have a dog, but I’m just using any shampoo in store for her.
    I guess I should switch shampoo to natural

    Thanks for your great post
    Eric Kim recently posted…Why should we use shampoo and conditioner together?

  2. I would love to give it a try! I’ll definitely try them with my doggies, soon.

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