Homestead Update: Aesthetics in Progress

Somehow i’ve made some time (thank you long Summer days!) to work on some aesthetics around the farm! That’s all about to change as we hit ‘crunch time’ to prep the house for an upcoming visit from the in -laws. I’m fine with showing them our place as a ‘before’ and show off the ‘afters’ over the next few years, but seriously: the house is a pigsty. Time to clean!

Here are some “in progress” shots of some fun projects i’ve been working on to beautify our farm:

New walkway! This project is actually finished, including the gate my husband built, along with a latch! But i haven’t had a chance to properly tidy the area and get a good after shot.

Some lovely planters filled with zinnias, torch tithonia sunflowers and other goodies for the hummers and butterflies. No good photos of this yet.

Mowing! That may seem like an obvious chore, but that backyard just about took a year off my life! Now that it’s mowed, the next mowing shouldn’t be such an expedition. I’m happy to see lots of good clover, grasses, vetches and native wildflowers coming up back there, despite the compaction. Now if only the pasture could show such signs of promise AND if only we could get the tractor to run reliably and get the brush hog functional – those daisies are pretty but the other weeds need mowing down before they go to seed!

So many sunflowers! I’ve planted sunflowers along almost all our fence lines, plus other lovely flowers between the shrubs in my hedgerow. If they all actually grow and bloom without being nibbled by rabbits or deer – our property will be truly epic. EPIC! I can’t wait to post photos of them.

Welcome to Birdsong Farm, y’all!

Have you been working on any projects “just for fun?”


Filed under The Homestead

4 Responses to Homestead Update: Aesthetics in Progress

  1. Susan Taylor

    Thanks for the update photos. I will be fun to show the parents what your life is now. Nothing special happening here at the moment. But thanks for asking.

  2. Great plan.. Can’t wait to see the progress of it. Don’t forget to update us.
    Sophia recently posted…Freesia: “To Friendship and Innocence”

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