Do You Eat, Make or Grow?

Since the holidays, my blog has been missing something: the Eat, Make, Grow blog hop!

Hosted by Hideous! Dreadful! Stinky!, Foy Update and myself: EMG WAS a weekly hop and is NOW a monthly event – hopping the first Thursday of every month. If you joined our hop before, i hope you’ll consider joining again and if you never have – well shame on you! Old posts and new posts are all welcome, but they must pertain to something you ate, made or grew. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to!


Filed under Eat Make Grow - Blog Hop

2 Responses to Do You Eat, Make or Grow?

  1. Sounds like fun! I’m going to try and remember to join up
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. It’s not unethical. I have two mixed breed dogs that are heahlty happy easy to train are wonderful companions and cute as can be! Some people like to blame these purposely mixed breed dogs for pet overpopulation and claim purebreds never end up in shelters which is BS! There are people who breed mixes responsibly and in doing so are producing great dogs, heahlty with great temperaments. Was this answer helpful?

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